EU Taxonomy

Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of 18 June 2020 has defined a taxonomy of economic activities that can be considered environmentally sustainable, based on a unified system for classifying economic activities developed with the aim of helping businesses, financial stakeholders and public organizations to identify what is truly sustainable according to objective, well-defined criteria.

  • Art. 3 of the Regulation states that an economic activity can be defined as “environmentally sustainable” if it: contributes substantially to the achievement of at least one of the environmental objectives (climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, the sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, the transition to a circular economy, waste prevention and recycling, pollution prevention and control, the protection of healthy ecosystems);
  • does no significant harm (DNSH) to any of the other five environmental objectives;
  • is carried out in compliance with minimum safeguards;
  • complies with technical screening criteria established by the Commission.

Whilst application of the taxonomy is not obligatory, the Company has voluntarily decided to do so by reporting on the eligibility and alignment of its activities with the EU’s classification system.

The Company also complies with the minimum safeguards provided for in the EU taxonomy legislation, as there have been no instances of breaches of human rights, anti-bribery, tax or antitrust legislation. These issues are also overseen within Italo’s organization, which provides specific training on the Organizational, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 and has launched the development of a due diligence process designed to verify respect for human rights throughout the value chain.

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